Post on Team Feed


The Team Feed is the first part of the platform that is visible on the ILG Sports Mobile Application, so is a great substitute for a team message board. Or information that is important for the whole team.


Posting on Team Feed

Creating a Team Feed Post

  1. Select the Team tab at the top of the ILG Sports web portal menu.
  2. Then, whilst on the Team Feed, go to the Top-Left hand side titled Communicate with your Team.
  3. Enter your Team Feed Post Subject in the Subject box.
  4. Enter your message in the What’s Happening? Box.
  5. Then Select the green Send button.

Include Images, Videos and Documents

  1. While creating your Team Feed Post as shown above, press the paperclip button underneath the What’s Happening? Box.
  2. Then upload an Image, Video or Document using the blue Upload button on the Attach a File box that has appeared. This currently supports the following:
    • Images:
    • Videos:
    • Documents:
  3. Wait while the file you selected has been uploaded to the system then select the green Confirm button on the Bottom-Right.
  4. If you would like to upload multiple files to the same Team Feed Post, complete steps 1 – 3. Each time will add the additional file.

Tagging other Users into a Team Feed Post

  1. While creating your Team Feed Post as shown above, while typing your message in the What’s Happening? box. Press the @ symbol.
  2. Pressing the @ symbol will bring up all the Coaches and Players on the System as well as any Groups you have created and included to be visible on the Team Feed. To find out more on Groups, press here.
  3. Either finish typing the Name or Group, or scroll through the list and then select who you wish to be tagged on the post. Once selected they will be added to receive a Notification of the creation of the Team Feed Post.