Set up your Dashboard

    • About
    • Setting up your Dashboard


    The Dashboard is the first thing you see when login onto the ILG Sports Web Portal. It has a widget for every area of the platform. It can save you time either by accessing areas quickly or having everything which has recently happened ready at a glance. The Dashboard can be customised to suite your needs, from changing which Widgets are visible to size and their position.


    Setting up your Dashboard

    Widget Visibility

    1. The first time you login you will be welcomed by your Dashboard, to make this visible press the green Create button in the centre.
    2. Once selected you will be greeted by a list of Widgets you can have visible on your Dashboard. Select which ones you require and press Confirm.
    3. After you have created your Dashboard and wish to edit this again. Select the Blue Edit Dashboard button at the Top-Right of the Dashboard. This will give you the same options.
    4. Alternatively, you can remove Widgets by selecting the cog on the Top-Right of the Widget you wish to edit then select Discard.

    Widget Size

    To change the Widgets size:

    1. Press the cog on the Top-Right of the Widget you wish to edit.
    2. Then Press Resize. (There are currently only 2 sizes of Widget.)

    Widget Position

    To change the Widgets position:

    1. Click and hold down on the dark grey Widget subject you wish to more.
    2. Then move your mouse to where you would like the Widget to go.
    3. Once happy with the location release the left mouse button.