Built-in Data

Every form entry includes a number of built-in data fields that are available for use in your templates and connectors.

Additionally we provide built-in fields to access to some company level settings like the name of your organisation.

Built in values can be used in your templates by using the {{%BuiltInName}} syntax.

For example if you want to display the entry id as per the table below you would use {{%ENTRYID}}in your template or connector.

The built-ins available are as follows:

Company Information


Inserts the integration key for the company.


Inserts the unique integer identifier of your company account on our platform.


Inserts your organisation letterhead image as setup in the Organisation Setup.

If no letterhead is found, the organisation logo image is used (if any exists).


Inserts the name of your company as setup in the Organisation Setup.

User Information


Inserts the email address of the user that completed the form.


Inserts the external Id of the user that completed the form.


Inserts the first name of the user that completed the form.


Inserts the last name of the user that completed the form.

Entry Information


Inserts the GPS latitude (in decimal degrees) of the user when completing the entry.


Inserts the GPS longitude (in decimal degrees) of the user when completing the entry.


Inserts a map image for the GPS co-ordinates of the user when completing the entry.


Inserts the date and time that the user completed the Form entry (i.e. clicked upload in the app, regardless of connectivity).
The correctness of this value is dependent on the users device time settings.


Inserts the unique identifier string of this entry, without hyphens (i.e. 00000000000000000000000000000000). The identifier string is unique across all forms and all entries.


Inserts the unique identifier string of this entry, including hyphens (i.e. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).

The identifier string is unique across all forms and all entries.”


Inserts an incremental calculated integer number for this form entry.

The entry id for a specific entry is calculated as the current highest entry id for the form screen (all versions) plus one.


Inserts the date and time that the form entry was received by our server. This may differ significantly from the “CompleteTime” value depending on the connectivity of the app.


Inserts the date and time that the user started the form entry. The correctness of this value is dependent on the users device time settings.